Happy New Year!
As you've probably gathered from previous posts, Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year so the January Blues usually strike with a vengeance around now.
2014 is going to be a very exciting year though; I have been working on lots of new products involving my illustrations and my mum and I are going to be having our first exhibition together in the spring (I will be writing more about this closer to the time).
Like most people, my resolutions involve grand exercise plans, but I thought I would share one of my illustration based resolutions. I was given a beautiful journal from Lisa Parker's shop for Christmas. I love looking through old sketchbooks, particularly ones with notes in too. For some reason I haven't been keeping a sketchbook as regularly as I should be, so my resolution is to sketchbook daily in my new journal. Hopefully I will have worked my way through a few of them by the end of the year (I have the barn owl one and have my eye on the wolf one next!).
I'm not setting any rules for myself, other than I have to do something in the sketchbook every day. It doesn't matter if it's drawing, writing, or sticking something in, as long as it's daily.
Showing someone your sketchbook is a bit like showing someone your diary. I think the whole point of it is that you don't need to worry about what anyone thinks about it, and you can doodle ideas that you might never use. So I decided that I will post a few pages once a month, rather than daily or weekly.
Once I've created a habit of doing something, it comes easily to me. It's getting started that I find most difficult so to kick things off, I created a board of inspiring sketchbooks and journals that can be found here.
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