Thursday, 3 April 2014

A Celebration of Nature, Worcester Cathedral

Some dates for your diaries!

I've been working on a very exciting project with my Mum, ceramic artist Lit Smith, for the last 6 months or so.

We are going to be having a two person exhibition in the Chapter House of Worcester Cathedral which will be open to the public from the 27th April to the 8th May. The exhibition is titled 'A Celebration of Nature', and was initially inspired by the Green Man carvings found in the Cathedral. Mum and I are both very influenced by our beautiful surroundings in the Worcestershire countryside, so this seemed like the perfect theme for us.

The Chapter House is a stunning round stone room off the cloisters in Worcester Cathedral, and somehow seems to get bigger every time Mum and I visit!

This is a very special event to us because it is my first exhibition, and the first one that Mum and I have ever done together. We have also been lucky enough to meet with the very talented Worcester Cathedral Stonemasons who have kindly agreed to have a special display of their work at the exhibition.

Mum has created a beautiful range of pieces for the exhibition, from individual ceramic leaves to what will be a stunning collaboration with local blacksmith, Jonathan Clift. The exhibition will also include my original dip pen, ink and watercolour drawings, with prints available.

If you get the chance to visit, please be sure to sign the Visitor Book and we'd love your feedback.


  1. Good luck with your exhibition! How lovely to be sharing it with your mother.

    1. Thank you, Kathleen. We're a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the moment!
